Oil on Canvas, 2021

This is the season. Every year at this time I am amazed at the heightened sense of goodwill I feel emanating from God toward us—myself, our family, this nation. Regardless of how things appear. Christmas songs of hope and glory remind me of what transpired long ago—God personally inserting himself into the pit of humanity, right in the middle of our mess. And He furthermore continues to do so every year, every day, every minute. It’s overwhelming to consider. But this is the season where through the fog and flurry Emmanuel bursts forth like the most beautiful dawn, a reminder of God‘s mercies that are new every day and how great is His faithfulness. ‘God With Us’ isn’t just a hopeful idea. It is a tangible reality. One that if you are not familiar with you can be now. All it takes is opening your heart to him, even if it’s just the teeniest crack one can muster because...you know, life. Disappointment and disenchantment are things no one is immune from, but not deal breakers. He still reveals Himself through them, as well as all the things.

God has many names that each reveal who He is. And you can bank on them. Emmanuel—arguably the first name Jesus was given, means ‘God with us’. Present. Here. In our midst. And He doesn’t deviate from His identity, ever.

Jesus wasn’t once called Emmanuel. His name is Emmanuel.

God is here with us.

Glory in the Highest.

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Living Water