Acrylic on Canvas, 2021

A friend asked me to make a piece of art for her sister-in-law, someone I didn’t know anything about, and to make it personal for her. Since I knew nothing, I just had to pray and hope God showed me something meaningful. And He did.

This piece is a reminder of the importance of staying centered in who God is, and not the multitude of complexities going on around us. With the realization of His PRESENCE—where we meet and connect with Him on a close and personal level—we’re suddenly made aware of the distinct reality of how futile it is to fear anything, but Him. The concerns of this life are vapors compared to the multifaceted immensity of who God is.

And we can do this. “The word that saves is right here, as near as the tongue in your mouth, as close as the heart in your chest.” He is closer than close.


The Lord’s mighty hand rested on me, and he warned me with these words not to act like these people: “Don’t believe their every conspiracy rumor. And don’t fear what they fear—don’t be moved or terrified. Fear nothing and no one except Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies! Honor him as holy. Be in awe before him with deepest reverence...

Isaiah 8:11-13

Click on photos for full aspect.


Future Glory

