Acrylic on Canvas, 2020

Do you remember the scene from Cinderella, the one where the King’s men had come knocking on Cinderella’s door with the notorious glass slipper that was supposed to identify the Prince’s mystery date? But before they knew it the precious slipper was gone, a shattered remnant on the floor at the hands of Cinderella’s oppressor. The stepmother thought she had won by destroying Cinderella’s ticket to getting out from under her tyranny and into the palace where she belonged, but she was wrong. Cinderella suddenly revealed the matching glass slipper to the astonishment of all, solidifying who she was and taking her place in a new, unexpected destiny.

I believe we’re going to have one of those moments.

A time when it becomes apparent that the treachery, deceit, manipulation, and oppression has hit its limit, and the manifestation of the changing season will become unmistakably apparent. Just when evil thinks it’s winning, then the upset it never sees coming. The situations may appear bleak, but it’s only the appearance. Just like the sovereign providence that allowed Cinderella to keep her glass slipper when everything else reverted to its normal state at the stroke of midnight, so too is Sovereign Providence providing us what we need, to be revealed at the right time.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal, “plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope—“

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Living Water

